Today dawned with a sense of purpose, a determination to declutter both mind and home. There were a few things niggling at me, and being the organised soul that I am, I couldn't let them linger. So, I embarked on a mission to bring order to chaos, starting with the tangible and working my way inward.
First on the agenda: finances. There's something oddly satisfying about putting pen to paper and reorganising my incomings and outgoings. Lists make me happy, and rewriting my financial plan brought an immediate sense of relief. Knowing exactly where my money is coming from and where it's going gives me peace of mind, banishing any lurking worries about financial stability. Next, it was time to tackle the home front. While my house is generally tidy, there are always those tasks that linger in the background, waiting to be addressed. Today, I took the plunge and dove into the kitchen. I stripped the countertops bare, giving them a thorough clean. Then, I delved into the depths of my kitchen cupboards, purging them of clutter and giving them a good bleaching. With that done, it was onto the skirting boards, a task that required a bit of elbow grease but I got it done. With the physical clutter addressed, it was time to turn my attention inward. A long bath was just the ticket, followed by a simple yet effective skincare routine. Moisturiser may be the extent of my regimen, but it's amazing how even a small act of self-care can leave you feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the world. Now, as the afternoon approaches, it's time to sit down with a cup of coffee, soaking in the satisfaction of a day's hard work. Today was a reminder that sometimes, the most productive days are those spent taking care of the essentials, both inside and out. So, here's to decluttering – both mind and home – and the sense of peace and contentment it brings. Comments are closed.
January 2025