My birthday came and went on Tuesday, and as expected, it was a quiet one. Other than my mom and dad coming over to visit, it was just a normal day for me. My dad gave me some cash, a pair of jeans, and a top, while my mom also gave me cash, along with some house bits I'd asked for and a few surprises, like candles and a mug. It was a simple, low-key day, which suited me just fine. I don’t mind quiet birthdays – sometimes, they’re the best way to mark another year without all the fuss and pressure of a big celebration.
Today is Thursday, which meant my usual food shopping trip. I managed to keep the bill to around £90 this week, which I was quite pleased with. I’ve been making a conscious effort to keep my food shop under control while still making sure I have everything I need. My 90/10 whole food diet has been leaning more towards the carnivore side over the past few weeks. I've been a bit on and off with meats lately, but this week and last, I've mostly stuck to beef. There’s something really satisfying about a good steak or a slow-cooked beef dish, and it keeps me feeling full and energised. This week’s shop included two sirloin steaks, a rump steak, a joint of beef, and some diced beef that I'll season and eat as a snack. Other than that, my food consisted of butter, cheese, sweet potato, and some fruit. I also picked up the usual snacks and meals for my daughter – making sure she has her favourites always gives me peace of mind. Once I got home and packed everything away, I did a quick upper body workout since it’s Thursday. Sticking to my routine, even on days when I don’t feel particularly motivated, helps me stay on track. As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been feeling a bit burnt out recently, so tonight I’m putting my laptop away and giving my brain a break. I’ll try to find a good film or series to watch and just switch off for a while. Sometimes, it’s easy to get caught up in constantly doing and planning, but every now and then, I need to remind myself that rest is just as important as productivity. I might take the next few days to slow things down a little and just reset. It’s been a busy few weeks, and I think a bit of quiet time will do me some good. Comments are closed.
January 2025